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Boat Bike Tours is well on track with its reduction targets. By working on reduction projects, we are already reducing a large part of our emissions. However, completely CO2-free is not yet possible and this is why we compensate our emissions. We do this in cooperation with Justdiggit and Trees for All. These projects contribute to nature restoration.

In 2024, we will continue our cooperation with Justdiggit and Trees for All.
Both non-profit organisations are based in the Netherlands and have been working for a greener world for years.

Together with Justdiggit, we will bring back over 26,000 trees to
Tanzania, helping Justdiggit to store 5,000 tonnes of CO₂ over the next 20 years.
Treecovery -Justdiggit (5.000 tonnes CO2)

Justdiggit is working on several other projects besides Treecovery. You can read what they have achieved this year in the 2023 Impact Summary: Justdiggit Impact Summary 2023

Through Treesforall, we support a project in Bolivia, where farmers are being helped to switch to sustainable forest agriculture.
This project contributes to a better climate, more biodiversity and better living conditions!
CO2 treepartner – Treesforall (5.000 tonnes CO2)


From January 2021 to June 2023, we completed the project below:

From 2021 onwards, Boat Bike Tours will be carbon neutral. To compensate for the CO2 emissions that we can’t reduce yet, we compensate by partnering with Justdiggit.

The program impact of the  partnership, start January 2021:

  • 6,800 ha regreened in the South Rift region in Kenya
  • 10,550 tCO2e captured
  • 81 million liter of rain water retained yearly




Progress Report I– June 2021
Progress Report II– December 2021
Progress Report III – July 2022
Progress report IV – 2023
Justdiggit Impact Summary 2022


If we can warm up the earth, we can also cool it down

The Justdiggit approach:

Step 1 Landscape restoration
Degraded land is restorable
Justdiggit jumpstarts large scale landscape restoration projects by retaining rainwater for vegetation and preventing erosion, flooding and land degradation. This creates local benefits for communities and the environment.

Step 2 Dig and open up the soil
Prevent soil erosion
In dry areas where the soil is degraded, rainwater can no longer infiltrate into the ground. When it rains, water washes away unused. This causes erosion and washing away of the remaining fertile soil and seeds. This causes further land degradation and loss of vegetation cover. This negative vicious circle needs to be broken to restore and re-green the land by interventions.

Waterbunds to harvest rainwater

Step 3 Harvesting the rains
Make best use of the water
Almost everywhere on our planet it rains, even in dry areas. By using ancient water harvesting techniques combined with recent innovations, we enable rainwater to infiltrate the ground again. This makes it available for vegetation and seeds in the soil. It also stops further erosion and loss of fertile soil.

Step 4 Returning the natural vegetation
More vegetation means more rains
By allowing rainwater to infiltrate into the soil, seeds will sprout and vegetation returns. To increase biodiversity and improve the livelihood of communities we complement this with planting trees, improved agriculture and agroforestry.

Step 5 Restoring the water cycle
An upward spiral
The restored vegetation brings more moisture into the air, which helps to create clouds and restores the water cycle.

Step 6 Creating more green with a little green
Green areas growing towards each other
Due to the renewed root system underneath, the soil becomes poreus and the water can easier infiltrate. This rises the aquafer and the vegetation will spread.

Step 7 Greener land makes a cooler planet
Start digging!
Trees and plants are the air-conditioning of our planet, that’s why it’s important to restore degraded lands. It has been calculated by the UN that 2 billion hectares of degraded land is restorable. This is almost twice the size of Europe!

Let us all pick up the shovel and re-green the land to cool down the planet! Justdiggit!

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